torsdag, november 25, 2004

onsdag, november 24, 2004














fredag, november 12, 2004

America apologizes

If' you're confused about the 2004 U.S. election result, just remember, tens of millions of Americans voted to send Bush back to Crawford.

Owned by the Blue States

Some folks in the Democratic-led "Blue States" put their opinions quite bluntly: Fuck the South.

onsdag, november 03, 2004

onsdag, oktober 20, 2004

torsdag, september 23, 2004

torsdag, september 16, 2004


alla vet vi hur det känns att bli ägd av HACKAREN

Ägd av


måndag, september 13, 2004

torsdag, september 09, 2004

onsdag, september 08, 2004

måndag, augusti 30, 2004

söndag, augusti 29, 2004

fredag, augusti 27, 2004

Fula fiskar!

Jag hittade precis den här länken till fula fiskar.

Det lever riktigt grymma varelser nere i djupet!

torsdag, augusti 26, 2004

Owned by stuff

I thought I had trouble throwing things away. Now I realize that I'm normal. This woman is a pack rat.

onsdag, augusti 25, 2004

Finnish disco lesson

Speaking of stupid disco... for your viewing pleasure, I present the famous Finnish disco lesson. As with many instances of ownage, the ownee doesn't even realize how owned he is. It's sad, really. But amusing too. Owned!

tisdag, augusti 24, 2004

"Call on Me" music video

Here's a still from the video Häggman mentioned. I think this counts as "owned by the 80s." The makeup, clothes and boom box are all 1980s vintage. It makes be want to join an aerobics class.

torsdag, augusti 19, 2004


The SCO smackdown continues. Today IBM filed for summary judgement on its eighth counterclaim, namely that SCO had distributed IBM code in violation of IBM's copyright. The code was released in SCO's Linux products under the GPL. SCO has since disavowed the GPL; IBM cliams SCO has violated the GPL. Go, Big Blue!

tisdag, augusti 17, 2004

Real Owned

Real Networks's Freedom of Music Choice site purports to reveal a massive groundswell of public sentiment behind Real's effort to convince Apple to open up the iPod to competitors' music services. Whatever you think of the merits of Real's position, the site is blatant one-sided proaganda. In an attempt to show all the grassroots support for their position, Real started a petition. Well, this kinda sotra backfired when nine out of ten of the signatories added comments critical of Real. Now they're trying to cover it up. Real put up a new petition that does not allow signatories to add comments.

Freedom of choice is apparently a good thing, but freedom of speech is to be discouraged when said speech is incompatible with corporate goals. The original petition, complete with comments, is still online. Owned!

tisdag, augusti 10, 2004

Super man?

Eller Superman?

lördag, juli 31, 2004

onsdag, juli 28, 2004

måndag, juli 05, 2004

Ägd men dock inte helt obra

Åtminstone inte lika dålig som Saddam Hussein.


Som häggman säger, "han är ägd igen alltså..."

naken och ägd..

Naken, blästrat och skitsur...

onsdag, juni 23, 2004

Owned by Mister Cybersex

Ladies, have you ever thought about having cybersex? Be careful -- you might end up chatting with this guy.

tisdag, juni 22, 2004

0wnzored! Posted by Hello

lördag, juni 19, 2004

Umm? Posted by Hello

måndag, juni 14, 2004

Tjuv som precis brutit sig in och upptäcker bilden på de förra tjuvarna i garaget hos mina föräldrar. ÄGD! Posted by Hello

Owned by intros...

IntroZone - BBS files

EU-valet, Moderaterna var inte med eller? Posted by Hello

måndag, juni 07, 2004

OWNED! Posted by Hello

fredag, juni 04, 2004

torsdag, juni 03, 2004

Owned by Jeezus! Posted by Hello

Owned by clown

igår var jag på cirkus... det måste vara ett av de mest owned täta ställen man kan tänka sig... Jag själv i publiken som blir hånad av en clown för att vi klappar på fel ställen och i fel takt (på hans begäran).. killen som står på alla fyra med näsan nedtryckt i sågspånen med en kille ovanpåsig som även han står på alla fyra som i sin tur har en burk med en planka på ryggen som en stolt kille balanserar på med en bräda... cirkusprinsessan som missar att få blommorna i tratten på huvdet när hon balanserar på en lina.. papporna som blir utlurade på "scen" för att med en mimikclown bli tvingade att dra upp axlarna till öronen och vanka som en pingvin fram och tillbaka, för att slutligen agera stople i en boxningsring... sen ska vi inte prata om alla djuren... kul är det iaf när man går på cirkus och tänker OWNED!!

onsdag, juni 02, 2004

Ummm, forbidden burger! Posted by Hello

tisdag, juni 01, 2004

Hej vad det är härligt i... Sverige?


The return of the return of the return... Posted by Hello

muahahahaha! Posted by Hello

Färg som torkar?


fredag, maj 28, 2004


Vad fan är det med folk?

Björnen sover - INTE!



Personal Bukakke Commitment?

The return of Ägd av djur Posted by Hello

torsdag, maj 27, 2004

I know the feeling... Posted by Hello

Uh? Posted by Hello

onsdag, maj 26, 2004

0wn3D Posted by Hello

Mario = Stalin?


Ägd av min pappa!


Owned by the book. Posted by Hello

Owned by ipren...  Posted by Hello

The bunny rabbit 0wnz. Posted by Hello